ATRIS Stahlgruber provides information on spare parts of cars and trucks. Data on passenger cars from 60's, on the cargo from the 80's. Since 2002, the program is executed in the shell of TCD and using data from TCD, except for information on spare parts in the program integrates information about the norm-hours, fuel tanks, maintenance intervals, timing belts installation labels and identification plates. This program contains cross-reference and warehouse facilities STAHLGRUBER, + wholesale price for downloading a file Artikel.dat otherwise complete analogy TCD. There is a search for the original number, the number Stahlgruber, you can see the list of applicability of the details, select a car on the engine, including filtering by brand or manufacturer, also contains illustrations and photographs of many parts. Program ATRis Stahlgruber comes on 3 DVD, can be installed in several versions, from minimum to maximum + network.
When the installation asks for the primary customer number Stahlgruber of 6 tsifr.Vvodim any number of the attached file and work peacefully. To get rid of the date, after installation run the attached registry file.
If no password is needed apdeyte automatically updated itself. In comparison with the TCD has less cross - correspondingly smaller errors.