Catalog of parts and Assembly units of KAMAZ-4310 and KAMAZ-43105
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Catalog of parts and Assembly units of KAMAZ-4310 and KAMAZ-43105 Year of manufacture: 1994 Authors: A. Sermâžko. S. V. Selivanov. Genre:parts catalog Izdatelstvo: «Kamaz» Серия: ----- ISBN: 5-217-01828-3 Format: PDF/DjVu/(recognized) + DOC Quality: the recognized text (OCR) Number of pages: 415 Language : English The catalog contains technical description and detailed specification of all parts, Assembly units and standardized products of KAMAZ-4310 and KAMAZ-43105 as well as illustrations of Assembly units and parts located in the Assembly. This allows you to use the directory at repair work related to disassembly and Assembly machines and Assembly units of cars. The directory is intended for road transport workers and enterprises engaged in the operation, maintenance and repair of the KAMAZ vehicles.. Detected and generated a PDF inside navigation with search by text, table of contents and copying (most practical) and DjVu (economy-version) + DOC without the editorial (in low quality-who needs), it can be downloaded separately. Working hyperlinks