Filtron filters catalogue 2009
Year of manufacture: 2009
Developer: WIX-Filtron
Compatibility with Vista: complete
System requirements: Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP/Vista
Intel Pentium 1 GHz or higher, 256 MB RAM,
screen resolution min. 1024 x 768, 32-bit graphics card, CD-ROM.
Language: English + Russian
Crack: not required
WIX-FILTRON is a manufacturer and distributor of filters for the automotive industry, machines and equipment, internal combustion engines. We started our activity in 1982, we enter the international motor transport concern "AFFINIA Group» is a part of the American Financial Corporation, The Cypress Group, based in New York.
Our sales offer consists of 1800 types of filters for all types of cars. Currently we employ over 1020 people. In 2007, we sold 45 million. PCs. filters. Our share in the Polish market filters is 43%.


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