Ford ECAT 06/2014 0E5FG

Year/release date: 2014
Version: 5.17.01
Developer: Ford Motor Company
Language: multi-language


Description: Auto Parts Catalog Ford (Ford) contains a catalog of parts for all models of Ford cars, jeeps, light commercial, released for the European market.

The "FORD parts dealer search" gives the most complete units and cars, not only taking into account the features of the models, but also changes in the configurations. This allows qualified select Ford omitting the incorrect orders.
The use of the dealer program Ford ECat greatly improves the efficiency of daily work for the repair, maintenance, car, managers of organizations that sell Ford avotozapčastâmi.

Electronic parts catalog Ford Ecat-a system of identification and sending orders for parts and service for all European dealers Ford. This system provides advanced search access and content, and also connects with the DMS and other systems Ford.

FordEcat comes to DVD and installed with the DVD.
There are different installation procedures for different types of installations:
• the first installation
• installing a different version of FordEcat to replace the already installed version
• Reinstall the same version of the FordEcat on top of the already installed program.

FordEcat is integrated with other information systems and control systems of Ford, which allows the use of all of its property for the configuration of the car and retrieve information and then use the results in another application program. In addition, stored in the FordEcat data can be copied and transferred to other installed copy of FordEcat.
Additional information: the Tablet is from version 02/2012. You must roll back the date 06/2014

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