Gaz-24-10, 11-24 "Volga". Catalog of parts, Assembly units and spare parts.
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Gaz-24-10, 11-24 "Volga". Catalog of parts, Assembly units and spare parts. Manufacture year: 2003, 2005 Author: OJSC "Gaz" Genre: parts catalog Publisher: Nizhny Novgorod Format: DjVu, PDF, TIFF, Number of pages: 208 Quality: scanned pages Language Auto-books : English Description: directory contains a technical description, detailed specification of Assembly units and components of automobiles Gaz-24-10, the Gaz-24-11. In the specifications of the units and parts, their name and number. The catalogue is accompanied by illustrations of the design of Assembly units and parts, arranged in order of Assembly. The catalog is a reference tool when making requisitions and delivery of spare parts. It is intended for workers involved in the operation, maintenance and repair of automobiles, for trade and sbytovah organizations as well as individual car owners.