Gaz-3308, Gaz-33081 Sadko/GAZ-3308, GAZ-33081 Sadko

Year of manufacture: 2005
Author: OJSC GAZ
Genre:spare parts
Publisher: Llc "RUSAUTGAZ"
Серия: -----
ISBN: 978-5-88924-113-3
Format: PDF/DjVu/(recognized)
Quality: the recognized text (OCR)
Number of pages: 260
Language : Russian, English
The catalog contains a detailed list of parts and Assembly units of cars Gaz-3308 all-terrain with 8-cylinder gasoline engines of 3 m 3-5233 (4.67 l) and 3 m 3-513 (4.25) I "Gaz-33081 with 4-cylinder diesel d-245.7. It shows symbols of Assembly units and parts, their name, number of the car or a variant of it.
The publication is intended for car owners, workers, supply, trade and avtolredpriâtij in Russia and abroad.

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