Mitchell OnDemand Vintage Set 2 "4 discs" containing several thousand pages of documents and dedicated to the "old" car and truck produced and officially delivered to the U.S. from 1960 to 1982. Contains information on electrics, chassis and engine repair for cars produced in the U.S. (1st CD), trucks (2nd drive), and imported from other countries, cars and trucks (3rd and 4th disk). Is a hypertext directory of PDF-documents.
Ext. Information :
Correct navigation only in Internet Explorer, so whining about "poor displays in the opera" remains unanswered.
All this runs on Windows 7 x64 with IE 8.
Personally, I have a menu autorun does not start, so self-launch IE, we press CTRL + O and open the index.htm file on the CD or open the same file from the Explorer context menu.
Given that the content of the discs - htm and pdf-files can be easily used in other no-windows platforms.
Here you find Mitchell OnDemand Vintage Set 2 "4 CD" .