Tool for diagnostics and maintenance of vehicles:
Renault - Logan, Twingo, Clio, Modus, Scenic, Megan, Megan2, Laguna, Laguna2, Avantime, VelSatis, Safrane, Espace, Kangoo, Trafic, Mascott, Master.
Nissan - Almera, March-Micra, Primera.

Allows for full diagnostics ECU cars (engine-injector, automatic transmission, ABS + ESP, airbags, climate control, xenon staff, TSEKB, dashboard)

Includes means for flashing the ECU (requires special database, while never found).

Also allows for servicing cars pumping the brakes and block ABS, setup ABS, prescription injectors, check tire pressure sensor, activation / deactivation of airbags and much more, to which I have not dug.
Allows real-time tracking of hundreds of parameters of the vehicle as well as preserve the history of parameter changes in xml files or txt.

Almost complete replacement of the official diagnostic complex CLIP!

Includes a set of low-level utilities for the interface car.

Works across the interfaces K, KL, or CAN.

The program"s interface - English, French, Japanese. Language diagnostics only French, but if you know the car and electronics - all perfectly clear.

Version works as ActiveX-based component IE5.0 and above.

Version is placed on top version as an update and includes a standalone application to work without IE.

Year: 2005
Version: v2.0.9.0 + v2.3.0.1
Platform: Windows, IE5.0, VBS
Compatibility with Vista: Yes
System requirements: Pentium, 64Mb RAM, 800x600 256-color monitor, adapter-car computer (com or usb)
Language: English
Medicine: Present

1. Install updates (if necessary) from the folder "Internet Explorer Updates" and "dotnet"
2. Install (if not previously installed) vbrun60sp5.exe and msxml3.msi from the folder "Add Software-data"
3. Start the installation DDT2000_v2.0.9.0_setup_full_RENAULT.exe
4. After installation delete created folder "C:  DDT2000Data"
5. Unzip in the root directory "C: " file in the folder DDT2000Data.rar "Add Software-data"

To install the update to version
1. Start the installation DDT2000_v2.3.0.1_setup_full_RENAULT.exe
2. Find and replace in one of the subdirectories "% ProgramFiles%  DDT2000 " file of the same name DDTregisterInfo.dll archived file in DDTregisterInfo.rar

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