Spare parts of automobiles Vaz-2108, Vaz-2109 and their modifications.
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Spare parts of automobiles Vaz-2108, Vaz-2109 and their modifications. Year of manufacture: 1992 Author: L. A. Melnikov, L. K. Karavanova, E. M. Kashin, G. A. Nikitin. Genre:spare parts Izdatelstvo: «Mechanical Engineering» Серия: ----- ISBN: 5-217-02099-7 Format: PDF/DjVu/DOC (fully recognized) Quality: the recognized text (OCR) Number of pages: 160 Language : English The directory contains a list of illustrations and parts and components of automobiles Vaz-2108, Vaz-2109 and their modifications (Vaz 21081, BA3, Vaz 2I083-21086, BA3-21088-03, 2I093-BA3, Vaz-21096, BA3-21098-03). The list contains the numbers of parts and components, their names and images in this subgroup. Illustrations can serve as a visual aid in Assembly and disassembly tools and units of the car. For employees of transport companies, logistics and trade organizations, as well as car owners.. Fully recognized and created in PDF and DjVu internal image navigation with search text and copying + DOC without Edition (for those who want to do), it can be downloaded separately.