Program for maintenance and repair. There is a manual in PDF, there is a link for the Internet. model RS413/413D/415/416. information on the device components and assemblies, their repair and maintenance, servicing, adjusting, reference data.
Extras. Information: to work online need EI. in mozile does not work. put the image on alkogol120% under Vista - no go. placed on virtualke with XP SP3 - everything is fine. mount in Alcohol or UltraISO, and start work or on-line or by opening the pdf-nye files in the folder. weighs a lot since I left the pdf-nye files in all languages.
Year / Date of Release: 2005
Version: 2008
Developer: Suzuki Motor Co.
System Requirements: Windows XP. PDF / Adobe Reader. Internet Explorer
Language: English
License: Freeware