Updater for ETKA 7.2 (autoloader)
Year/release date: 2011
Version: 1.0
Developer: Andrey dre40
Interface language: English
Crack: not required
Description: a simple script that allows you to download updates for ETKA 7.2 in one click. The script was written to work with etkoj of the hands But also will work with other assemblies, just change the settings file if the path of installation and updates are included.
How it works:
Updater consists of 3 files: the main script, script download script.vbs updater.bat and settings.txt file.
The configuration file is already configured to work with the etkoj of the two hands. For use with other etkami before the first launch in the settings file to specify the path to the DATA folder in the catalog and etki last updated for each brand, located in the directory about such address etki C:Program FilesETKAVWAUDATAAUUpdate if the folder is empty, look at the wall outlet on the first page. When everything is configured to run the updater. It checks the last downloaded updates from that specified in the settings file, if the server has a more recent update, Updater downloads and copies it into the desired directory under etki. until the download all available updates. servers for all four brands. When all updates are downloaded, the Error appears in the window and apdeter moves to the next mark. After completing the apdetera, run etku and it will prompt you to install new updates.
The script does not work if the address location is the Cyrillic characters. I therefore recommend that the updater folder copy to the root of the drive c and display a shortcut on the desktop. It has been tested only on windows xp.
The script is written not by a professional, for personal use, not all nice and compact, but it works and makes it easier to update the etki. Constructive suggestions for improvement are welcome.
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