Year/release date: 2013 Version: 12.12 System requirements: Intel Pentium 1000 Mhz or higher; the amount of RAM from 512 MB; 90 Mb of available hard-disk space for installation; operating system Windows XP, Vista, 7 are fully supported in both x 86 and x 64 version; monitor that supports 800 x 600 video mode, recommended 32-bit color depth; mouse or other device that performs similar functions. Interface language: Russian Description: professional tool VASYA Diagnostician in Russian car group VAG diagnostic: Automatic fault finding; automatic service reminders; adaptation; Basic settings; units of measurement; coding control units; a single reading; support for the latest models of engines, transmissions and other control units, including support for group VAG can-bus; support for other cars, running over OBD-II; graphing; view the status of a "commitment"; decryption and removal of fault codes; for information about the control units; tests the performers