Webasto Data TOP (Russian version 1/2011) Year/release date: 2011 Version: 01/2011 Developer: Webasto Developer site: http://www.webasto.ru/ Interface language: Russian Crack: not required Description: this disk is technical information revealing questions of nomenclature of equipment, its completeness, Webasto installation instructions, maintenance, repair and maintenance, spare parts catalogs, Assembly recommendations. Equipment for commercial vehicles (usually set at manufacture vehicle) has a trademark SPHEROS. Under the brand name SPHEROS (Webasto Bus Products) come: heaters series Thermo 230-350, DBW 2010-350; bus hatches and air conditioners (refrigerating capacity exceeding 10 kW). In the section "other products" products to expand the scope of equipment Webasto and get the most impact from their use. As well as the samples of advertising materials, warranty, etc. Available on the disk information is correct before the next edition of the Handbook. Additional information: 1) Insert the Data disc Top DVD in the DVD-ROM drive. DVD starts automatically. 2) at the "security ..."-to allow the 3) using interactive links (underlined section) make navigating Windows programs to access information. 4) to install the program on a hard disk, you should copy all of the files. To run the enable-file "index.htm" 5) to view the schema requires Acrobat Reader (found on the disk in the "Software")