ZIL-5301 and its modifications. Catalog of parts and Assembly units.

Year of release: 2001
Author: OJSC ZIL
Genre:catalog of parts and Assembly units
Publisher: Association of independent publishers "
Format: PDF/DjVu/(detected with OSH.)
Quality: the recognized text (OCR)
Number of pages: 167
Language : English
Spare parts ZIL-5301 "Bychok" and its modifications:
truck Zil-5301AO, ZIL, ZIL-5301VA-5301TO-5301BO, ZIL, ZIL, ZIL-5301ÛO-5301EO, ZIL, ZIL-5301-5301SS.
ZIL-325000 bus, ZIL, ZIL 325010--325020.

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